All That Swagger【電子書籍】[ Miles Franklin ]
<p>All That Swagger has been acclaimed by pundits as one of the best Australian books yet composed. The story develops from the center outwards from one who feels the enchantment of Australia. The characters are established in the dirt, the woodland, as the early pioneers were. One subject anxieties character - that backbone of direction, hardihood boldness, honesty, which should perpetually be the establishment of any stable and moral State or condition of society. It introduces the courageous independence with which the extraordinary Australian landmass has been investigated, studied, fenced, cleared, furrowed, and is presently monitored by a virile people. Here is an immense canvas, State-wide, and as long as history itself - to the extent that it contains the depiction of life and improvement in this station of the British Empire. Aptitude and condition have productively consolidated in the generation. The author moves living pieces on the squares of a mammoth chessboard, and she plays the game such that shows obviously that she comprehends the gambit of life and every one of its varieties. All That Swagger is all Australian in each word. Just an Australian could have composed it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:80円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0(5点満点)
Swagger 関連ツイート
ほんっっっまに声でーへんほど笑ってるんやけど@rrr_Swagger 2020/04/15 05:35
@y__swagger 抽選の結果「税込80円以上の揚げ物・焼鳥各種 20円引クーポン」を差し上げます!ご利用は4/20まで♪ぜひ、GU-BO(グーボ)を試してみてね(^^) クーポンの使い方:…
@japan_lawson 2020/04/14 11:49
RT @mao_ov: セックス中のダメッ…!は「続けろ」の合図だって習ったけど、例外はある。
早漏の僕は騎乗位で「ダメ!!!!」と言ってるのに続けられて5秒で射精した。男のダメはダメだからやめてくれ。プライドが傷つく。「ダメって言ったじゃん…」と声にならない声で泣いた。@Martin__Swagger 2020/04/15 02:19
#TwitchRivals@Ririrulu 2020/04/15 09:16
RT @miki_m_1102: 芋づる式ジャック・ケッチャム読書MAPを作りました。残念ながら掘っても掘ってもケッチャム作品しか出てきません。
#芋づる式ケッチャム 2020/04/14 14:44
#質問箱 #のり越えようみんなで 2020/04/15 11:01